City Council Candidates
Candidates for City Council – District B
Candidates for City Council – District C
Candidates for City Council – District E
Candidates for City Council – District G
Canidate Response by Question
1. In your own terms, how would you define your role as a member of the City Council?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
2. The current City Operating Budget is $578,337,469.00. What is your experience with understanding and working with budgets and what experience do you have that prepares you to operate an organization of this size?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
3. Despite this large budget, the city is often challenged with hiring and retaining qualified staff and maintaining the quality of city services. Where do you stand on the privatization of services such as garbage, mowing or streets & drainage, that other cities have successfully privatized?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
4. Many City buildings and facilities are in dire need of maintenance and repairs. Outside of the mandated water/sewer infrastructure improvements, what do you believe are the infrastructure priorities across the City and how do you believe deferred maintenance and improvements should be funded?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
5. What specific role do you feel the City Council should play in encouraging economic development and growth?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
6. The Mayor is responsible for a number of appointments, many of whom are approved by the City Council. How will you evaluate the qualifications of these appointments and how will you evaluate the performance of these individuals to ensure that they are working effectively on behalf of the citizens of Shreveport?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
7. The City Council must work collaboratively among themselves as well as with individuals and organizations including the Mayor, Parish of Caddo, local business community, surrounding municipalities, and state representatives. How will you foster collaboration among members of the City Council and in what ways do you think the Council can improve external collaboration?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
8. For more than 25 years the community has been working to finish the I-49 inner city connector. What is your position on completing this roadway and what steps will you take to ensure its completion?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
9. As a Council Member you serve both the citizens of your district and those of the entire City. How will you balance your responsibility to your district with your responsibility to the City as a whole – can you give us an example where a City priority might outweigh a District one?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
10. In your view, what is the most challenging issue facing our community, and how will you, as a member of the City Council, work to address it?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
11. Please summarize for us your vision for the future of our city and what you believe the top three priorities of the Council should be. How will you work to integrate these priorities into the Council’s agenda and encourage the allocation of city resources to accomplish these priorities?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
12. Is there anything you would like to address that we have not yet covered?
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
| James Carstensen | Craig B. Lee | ‘Jim’ Taliaferro | Alan Jackson | ‘Tony’ Nations | Alvin Ray Oliver | Carla D. Buntyn | Derrick L. Henderson | Antonio Washington |
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