Candidates for Parish Commission
1. How would you define the responsibilities of the Parish Commission and what qualifications make you suited to serve as a commissioner?
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
2. In the General Fund Budget for 2022 and 2023 the Parish’s total expenditures exceeded revenues by almost $4M in 2022 and by almost $5M in 2023. The Commission has spent more than revenue for more than 5 year and relied on decreasing fund balance and Oil & Gas fund to support spending. How can the Parish sustain this over time?
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
3. There have been discussions between the City and Parish concerning shared responsibility for areas such as public safety, trash collection, water and sewerage, etc. In what areas do you believe combining services between the city and parish makes sense for the municipalities and their citizens? In what areas do you believe separate services make more sense?
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
4. In what specific ways do you believe the Parish Commission should encourage economic development and growth for Caddo Parish?
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
5. Currently the Parish accounts for about 48 Mills of property tax burden there is currently a public safety millage on the ballot for this fall. How do you feel the Parish has done as a steward of taxpayer dollars and do you support this millage increase?
|Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
|Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
6. The City of Shreveport occupies a small percentage of the land area of Caddo Parish, but city residents contribute a majority of the parish’s tax revenue. The Parish has a significant fund balance, while the city routinely struggles financially. What responsibility, if any, do you feel the Parish has to provide additional support for infrastructure and activities within the City of Shreveport?
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
7. Caddo Parish has thousands of adjudicated properties, more than Baton Rouge. Two of the challenges facing developers are state laws and regulations that make it difficult to clear title and take uncontested ownership of these properties. What role do you believe the Commission can play in helping to address this roadblock to economic growth?
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
8. To be successful the Parish Commissioners must work collaboratively among themselves as well as with individuals and organizations including the City of Shreveport, the local business community, the surrounding municipalities, and state representatives. How will you foster collaboration among members of the Parish Commission and in what ways do you think the Commission can improve its external collaboration?
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
9. Please summarize what you believe the top three priorities of the Commission should be. How will you work to integrate these priorities into the Commission’s agenda and encourage the allocation of Parish resources to accomplish these priorities and achieve that future?
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
10. This will be your final question and will include your final remarks. We’ve covered the priorities that are important to us. Is there anything you would like to address that we have not yet covered?
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
| Joshua Hanson | Victor Thomas | John Paul Young | Tim Euler | Ronald Cothran | Kenny Gordon | David Cox |
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